Fellow OCAA members,
The OCAA board would like to update you with information about the implementation of some of the terms of our deal with the county. Compensation for increased pension contributions as a result of the imposition The county has informed us that the checks for this part of the deal are currently scheduled to be issued on June 19.
This will be a paper check issued separately from our paychecks. The checks for current employees will be given to the offices to distribute on June 19, and the checks for those who are no longer county employees will be mailed to their homes on the same day.
Retroactive step increases OCAA is still working with the county to make sure we have an accurate list of all of the people who had step raises delayed or denied as a result of the imposition. That list is almost complete and we expect that the retroactive step raises will be implemented in July. 2% bonus for PEPRA employees The county has informed us that the 2% bonus for PEPRA employees will be paid in July.
The OCAA board will continue to update you on the implementation of the terms of the new deal. Please contact an OCAA board member if you have any questions or concerns.