OCAA Members,
The November Update is coming early because we wanted to make sure all of you remembered to (1) vote for OCAA Executive Board Members this week and (2) complete your open enrollment. Please remember there are three (3) holidays we observe this month. Friday November 10 we are observing Veterans Day and Thursday November 23 and Friday 24 we are observing Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving.
OCAA Executive Board Elections
Remember to Vote. Voting will be open until October 31. Once we know the results, we will share an email with the full membership. The new Board will begin January 1, 2024.
Open Enrollment
Open enrollment is upon us. The County’s open enrollment will close on November 7, 2023. Please make sure to complete your open enrollment to make sure you have the correct medical plan, dental plan, beneficiaries, usage of OBP, and many more benefits. In addition, you will be receiving an OCAA Open Enrollment pamphlet and paperwork in the mail to the address we have on file. If you need to update your address, please do it as soon as possible.
Ready to view your 2024 benefit rates and options and make changes to your 2024 benefits coverage? You can easily access My OC Benefits™ with single sign-on (SSO) through the County’s Intranet, IntraOC, using Chrome, Edge or Firefox. No additional password is needed. Alternatively, you can access My OC Benefits™ directly (with your password) at mybenefits.ocgov.com.
Reporting Mcle Compliance
Attorneys with last names beginning with the letters H-M need to report their MCLE Compliance. Group 2 (H-M) Attorneys with last names beginning with H-M have a compliance period of 2/1/21-1/31/24 and have a deadline to report of February 1, 2024. Those Attorneys will be able to report their compliance between December 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024. Your MCLE Requirements can be found on the State Bar Website (https://www.calbar.ca.gov/Attorneys/MCLE-CLE/Requirements)
Use Your Time!
Finally, as a continued reminder please remember the following codes on your timecard reset at the end of the fiscal year.
- Attorney Unit Leave aka Snivel, formerly Attorney Leave with Pay. 24 hours a year available to Attorney III who are not on probationary status and Attorney IV and higher who were required to work hours substantially above the norm for an extended period of time (Pages ATT- 26-27 of MOU).
- Personal Business Leave Elapsed aka PBL, 40 hours a year which is taken out of your available sick leave which can be used for any purpose. You must have the necessary hours available in your sick leave to use this time. (Page ATT- 21 of MOU).
- School Conferences and Events (Parent Child School Leave Elapse) a parent, legal guardian, or grandparent who has custody of child enrolled in a California public or private school, kindergarten through grade 12, or in a licensed day care facility, may use up to 10 hours of PTOs to attend school conferences and events. Any activity that is sponsored, supervised, or approved by the school, school board, or child care facility is acceptable. (Page ATT- 22 of MOU)
- Leave for Attendance at Professional Conferences an employee may request three (3) days (24 hours) Leave with pay each fiscal year for attendance at professional conferences subject to the following conditions: (1) a request made in advance in the manner prescribed by the department; (2) the conference is job related; (3) Costs connected with the conference attendance, including registration, meals, transportation and/or lodging if any, are not provided under Article IV Section 13 of the MOU; and (4) the employee’s performance is standard or above. There are limits to this provision which are found in the MOU. (Pages ATT- 31 – 32).
- Vacation Payout (discretionary payout of either two separate increments of 60 hours each or a single payout of 120 hours from your vacation bank. As a reminder your vacation caps out at 480 hours. After 480 hours you stop accruing vacation time (Pages ATT- 36 – 37 of MOU).
For you convenience our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) can be found here: OCAA MOU