Fellow OCAA members,
We are obviously very happy with our important victory last week in PERB. We still do not know if the county is going to appeal.
But please note that as happy as we are all with the victory, it does not mean that all is well. The PERB opinion sheds light on the current Board of Supervisors (BOS), and what they have done to each and every one of us the past few years. It also demonstrates what the BOS has done and will continue to do to all the residents of Orange County. If we truly want to change the way the BOS treats us, there is a lot more work to be done.
And that is the purpose of this email. One of our own has stepped up to the plate in a big way, and the OCAA board strongly encourages everyone to do everything you can to help. Joe Williams, a long time deputy district attorney and OCAA member, is running for the BOS in the Fifth District, which covers South County, and is the seat currently held by Pat Bates.
OCAA proudly endorses Joe for this election. His website is http://www.joe4supervisor.com/home/
Please go to his website and learn about him and why he decided to run. He is a former member of the military, a former police officer, and has been a deputy district attorney since 1995. He is running because he wants to end the corruption that has plagued the BOS. And most importantly, he is not a politician; he is one of us. Joe’s election to the BOS will ensure that we are treated fairly by the BOS, because he recognizes how valuable we are to Orange County.
So please support Joe every way you can. His email address is joewilliams4supervisor@gmail.com. Please contact him and help him out any way you can. He is currently in need of assistance in putting some campaign signs together, and especially if you live in South County, please contact him to pick up a sign and put it in your front yard. His is truly a grass roots campaign. Please encourage your neighbors to vote for him (he is the first name on the ballot) and discuss his campaign with anyone who will listen.
We believe the incompetence and corruption of the current BOS has reached a tipping point. Everyone, not just us, is tired of these politicians and what they are doing to Orange County. By supporting Joe, we can start repairing the damage caused by the current BOS. If you live in the 5th District make sure to vote for Joe, and no matter where you live, please do everything you can to help him get elected.